What SLUT means to me

One of the most common questions I receive is why I use the word “slut.”

The word slut has been used as a derogatory term for women for decades. There are a lot of great ones: tart, harpy, strumpet, whore, skank, floozy, trollop, vamp….

I chose SLUT because to me its an acronym of: Simply Living Uninhibited Truth.

That’s right, I reclaimed the word and made it an empowerment. It’s what I try to do everyday, for better or for worse. I want to be a slut of this kind, and I do not offer any apologies.


12 responses to “What SLUT means to me

  1. Pingback: Fondness for my WordPress Community | Sacred Struggler·

  2. I once made a slut. From a Folkways Traditional Clothing pattern. No kidding. A slut is the all encompassing cape Irish women used to wear- at least according to the folkways pattern patter on the direction sheet. What they did in their sluts is how the name left the cape.
    I have a photo of me wearing it. I’ll put it on my blog, later today.

    • that’s the most brilliant thing I’ve heard all day. Please send me a link. I want to learn more about the majestic slut cape!

      • Just click on my name. It will take you there. I have to go get the photo off another computer and come back. so it may be awhile.

  3. Pingback: What’s in a name? The art of taking offense | The Atheist Slut·

  4. Pingback: Slutty Book Report Update: Former Atheist Edition | The Atheist S.L.U.T.·

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